Since 2015, the Al-Jazari Water Academy (AJWA), located in Lahore, Pakistan, has provided training for operators of the Water and Sanitation Agency (WASA) in the Punjab province.
In 2021-2022, AgroParisTech, with the financial support of AFD, entrusted the Watura-Seureca consortium with providing technical and educational assistance to AJWA, to develop online professional training courses, provide educational tools, and train AJWA instructors on asset management and energy efficiency in the fields of water and wastewater management.

Our solution
Seureca helped to:
- create targeted training courses for three audience levels (field operators, middle managers, and operational officers) and design the practical content of the units by developing 160 video clips (equivalent to 30 hours of training) on asset management and energy efficiency;
- develop the skills of AJWA instructors by individually accompanying six of them through a classroom training course and visits to Veolia facilities in France and the United Arab Emirates in order to improve their theoretical knowledge and practical skills on themes related to operational efficiency, with a focus on Asset Management and energy efficiency.