Comprehensive assessment of the renewal needs for the water distribution networks

Hydraulics and drinking water networks

The Saint-Étienne Métropole, an intercommunal structure, is responsible for the provision of drinking water throughout its territory.

This collectivity commissioned Seureca for assistance in drawing up a 15-year priority investment program, as of 2023, to renovate its water distribution pipelines, and to prepare an operational action plan for reducing water losses. This plan is meant to meet the efficiency targets set by the Grenelle II law.


Our solution

For this project covering 14 municipalities including the city of Saint-Etienne, Seureca’s services covered:

  1. Statistical and spatial analysis of the leak repair history and identification of the sectors with the most critical annual breakage rates;
  2. Analysis of the commercial database, losses evaluation due to under-counting, and preparation of a meter renewal program;
  3. Evaluation of the CAPEX / OPEX required for 100% coverage in remote reading of the project area;
  4. Comprehensive review of the existing sectorization and pressure management schematics optimization program;
  5. Preparation of two scenarios for an annual roadmap prioritizing the renewal of distribution pipes with budget and worksheets.


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